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Jeffrey A. Dahlke, Ph.D.

Applying Social Science in Organizations


I'm a Principal Scientist for the Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) in Alexandria, VA. I earned my Ph.D. in industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, my M.A. in I-O psychology from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and my B.A. in psychology and music from St. Norbert College.

My research interests include issues of fairness and bias in personnel selection (e.g., adverse impact, differential validity, and predictive bias), individual growth in abilities and performance over time, and occupational health. To learn more about my research, please visit my profiles on Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

In addition to my work on substantive psychological topics, I conduct research on quantitative methodologies in psychology and I develop open-source statistical programs for use in the social sciences. I’m the creator and lead developer of the psychmeta package for R, which is the first open-source and comprehensive implementation of the Hunter-Schmidt method of psychometric meta-analysis. The package is freely available for download from CRAN or my GitHub account. Visit psychmeta.com for more information on psychmeta.